I rarely enter into political discussions, either in a professional or personal environment. Even when I have been on BBC Radio Kent in the weeks leading up to a General Election, my own political leanings have stayed out of the discussion.

It has been suggested to me that perhaps this is due to me being afraid to broadcast my allegiance? Or whether I am not knowledgeable enough about the subject and don’t want this to show? In all honesty, it started out being because I was a business magazine editor and I was only interested in subjects that related to business, and women in Business.

Although I was happy with this ‘sitting on the fence’ public display, internally I was struggling with frustration at feeling that my own voice would have the impact on decisions as a drop of water would in the ocean.

When the idea of the ‘Appy Party’ was presented to me I couldn’t believe at how simple the concept is and yet how powerful the technology could become. I was also drawn to the fact that it’s an independent and neutral platform, with the results coming directly from the users irrespective of their individual political leanings.

I believe that things in this country need to change. My elderly father, who lives with me, has political debates on the TV daily. Every time I enter the room I am amazed at the way a group of adults communicate with each other in such a country critical environment. Surely, we as the people deserve a more up to date representation of our views?

I look back over events that have happened here in the UK over the past two years and there is an element of disbelief that we are in the situation we are. I have seen friends fall out on social media as they are politically unaligned. The passion behind what people are shouting out about most certainly cannot be denied, and it’s a shame it isn’t having a real impact on the situation in hand. We are a passionate nation and I believe this passion needs to be captured and directed to where these voices need to be heard.

I am proud to be working with the Appy Party that will enable people to vote on issues or topics that really mean something to them both on a local and national level. What appealed to me the most was that it isn’t a ‘Political Party’, it’s a platform upon which YOUR VOICE can be heard.

It’s free to register and is your way to be part of the conversations that count, knowing that your voice and opinion will also count.

All you have to do is visit www.appyparty.co.uk to register your interest.

Susannah Schofield OBE, CEO of the Appy Party, said:

This is an exciting day to bring democracy into the 21st century. There is not a person in this country that would try to claim that politics as usual is working. More and more people are feeling locked out of the democratic process, feeling like their voice doesn’t matter.

“This isn’t good enough and unless we try something different, nothing will change. The Appy Party gives a platform for the disenfranchised to have their say and make the voice of the people known.

“The Appy Party will build a genuinely engaged community that is at the heart of decision making. This isn’t about telling our elected representatives what to do, it’s about creating a real and meaningful conversation between our representatives and those they are meant to represent.”
