Passion and energy are entwined in both life and business for me. When I feel passionate about a project my energy levels are automatically raised and I feel capable of achieving GREAT things… The day when I realised I could conjure up this feeling was the day things dramatically started to change for me.

I asked myself a few questions and made myself be honest in the answers, no point cheating myself right? It would be like playing solitaire and mixing up the cards until one was needed came up!

  • When I am old how will I look back on my life?
  • How would people younger that me talk about me, (the crazy lady next door who won’t give our ball back did cross my mind!)
  • What were the highlights of my life that make me burst with pride when I think of them?
  • Who really had an impact on my life and why?
  • What am I leaving behind?

It proved to be a fun exercise once I got used to being honest! I tend to embark on projects with a child like enthusiasm that I like to carry over in to other aspects of my life. If you see things from an uninhibited mind, the world is an amazing and colourful place. Passion is everywhere, in the eyes of smilers, in the words of the kind but it is also lacking in so many talented people that I yearn to light the flame or at least pass them the matches.

Passion is my driving emotion, it’s what makes me spring out of bed in the morning as I have created this world around me that is filled with the results of the choices I have made. Choices are ours to make, keep and take ownership for, so making sure they are the right ones for you is extremely important. Passion is key to taking you PAST reaching what you thought was your true potential, it can take you much further and then some more!

Do you allow your passion to permeate or do you push it away with those limiting thoughts you have about yourself? We have all been guilty of blocking ourselves from pushing forward, you know, those little voices in your head that are so strong you think they must be right! It’s worth listening to them but you also have to listen to your heart to get a fuller picture.

When I am about to start something I look at how I feel about it. Does it excite me or does it fill me with dread. This initial analysis will give me an idea of how things are going to pan out. Listening and being aware of how I am feeling help me make the decisions I do! How can you do this?

  • Do you know what it is that you REALLY want? I mean REALLY want? With a clear idea then you have the starting point and you will also be able to tell when you get there!
  • WHY do you want this? Ask yourself this until you have a really good idea of what it will mean to you to actually get it!

Have you gone all shy now? I hope not, it’s a fun exercise and you may even surprise yourself!

Be your own hero and create your own story. Ignite that passion flame that’s in you and don’t allow for negative people around you to extinguish it. Your heart is powerful as is your instinct! Learn to listen to them and get started NOW!